This Mother’s Day, Bui Fabrics is honored to celebrate the incredible women who nurture, inspire, and guide us. We sat down for a heartfelt conversation with Chief Nnenna Ogan-Ejekam, a respected leader, entrepreneur, and, most importantly, a devoted mother to BUI CEO Chiazor Ejekam.
There’s nothing in this world comparable to being a mother and categorically identified as one of the hardest jobs in the world. Mother is gold, she’s a confidante, a guardian, and so much more.
So, when Mother’s Day rolls in, it is best to shower your mum with all the love she deserves—especially selecting a few gifts that you think will cause a smile on her face but before we get into all the fabric gift guide ideas for mothers day.
Here is a special video with my mum and me, literally kind of a Q&A this time but you will love her Aura and she’s the best thing that has ever happened in my life and that of my family.
The woman who loves you unconditionally from birth.
The one who puts her kids before herself and the one who you can always count on, above anyone else.
Chiazor Ejekam

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take
Buifabrics x Bui Accessories
Chiazor Ejekam: Please introduce yourself, mom, name, and state of origin.
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: My name is Chief Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam. Four ‘Ns’ don’t omit any; i take it personally (laughs)
Chiazor Ejekam: Heels or flats, mom?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: I’m driven by three principles: elegance, health, and confidence, in that order. As a short woman, I need heels, but at a certain age, high heels can cause back problems. Flats are appropriate, but they must be elegant. Whereas heels, of course, are for special occasions.
Chiazor Ejekam: What’s your favorite food?
Chief Mrs Nnenna Ejekam: I love fruits and vegetables
Chiazor Ejekam: Who is your favorite child?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Oh, I love all my children equally, but some children bear your traits, so there’s a natural affinity, but God loves us equally. I love my children equally.
Interviewer: How do you balance family and work?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: First, I’ll speak generally because for Nigerian women or women in Africa, it’s not a stark choice as it is for European women because we have families, we are able to get help at affordable prices besides our whole family, so we don’t need to make that stark choice, but even within that framework, what I would say is one: when it comes to choosing people to help with my children while I was at work, I got the best, and what do I mean by the best, mature women who had children of their own, not the younger women who hadn’t seen life, and then also, your own natural sense of balance, trying to bring up your children in different ways to be self-sufficient? I think those were the key things, really.
Chiazor Ejekam: When did you know you wanted to be a mother?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Nnenna, my name means Mother, so from birth, if I can put it that way, but I’ve always wanted to be a mother, our generation doesn’t have a choice. Your generation perhaps has a choice about whether to marry and have a family or just be accomplished and successful. So I’ve always wanted to be a mother.
Interviewer: Were there any similarities between me and you as a child?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Oh yes, we were vivacious, full of life, driven, joyful, and creative. We had that ‘get up and go’ spirit, tackling every challenge with a smile. Those are the similarities I see.
Interviewer: What’s your favorite memory of us?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Oh, favorite memories, My attitude towards life is that it’s so precious, which makes me cherish every single moment. It’s been hard and tough at times, but that’s life. Witnessing you take on challenges and establish BUI Fabrics fills me with joy. Every part of being your mother has been a blessing, from the first pangs of labor with my sisters beside me and my wonderful female gynecologist to watching you grow, smile, and experience all the vibrant colors of life. Each moment is precious because it’s finite. We won’t be here forever, so remember to make the most of every minute, the good and the bad—that’s what life is.
Chiazor Ejekam: What are your favorite buifabrics?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: That’s tough! (smiles) As a lover of color, I always find something in the Bui store to suit my mood. But if I had to choose a favorite, it would be the shimmering, iridescent pink flesh you gave us for the Asoebi before Uncle Hareshas and his daughter’s wedding. It was absolutely beautiful! That’s probably my favorite.
Chiazor Ejekam: What are your favorite fashion accessories?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Oh, my favorite fashion accessories are necklaces and earrings (smile)
Chiazor Ejekam: Why did you name me Chiazor?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: hmm.. Chiazor. What does that mean? Chiazor is “Chi” (your God) and “azor” (has saved me). It was a very difficult pregnancy, and it really had it’s tough moments. So when God blessed me with such a beautiful baby and Daddy allowed me, because most men in Igbo culture do the naming, he allowed me to pick a name, and it had to be Chiazor. So God will continue to be with you and save you all through your life. It won’t always be easy but He is there for you
Chiazor Ejekam: What’s the best part about being a mother?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Oh, the best part about being a mother is the bonding, and it also varies in the different stages of your life. At the beginning, it’s a total dependency of this new being on you. breastfeeding, cuddling, and all that, and as you grow older, it’s the fact that somebody’s looking up to you. It changes; relationships can metamorphosize from mother to friend to mentor. Yeah, that’s the best part of being a mother.
Chiazor Ejekam: What nicknames do you have?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: Oh, a whole variety. My father used to call me “Nnen.” Emphasis on the “Ns” again (smiles). My classmates in Queens School in those days Used to call me “Nekwurus Odogwu,” and then one of my recent besties, Rana, used to call me “Nene B”
Chiazor Ejekam: When were you proudest of me?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: I’m proud of you every day. The things you do. During COVID, you took up the challenge of internalizing everything and said, Okay, how’m I going to survive? How’m I going to make the difference?. Do you remember your first fashion shoot? It was over COVID or just after COVID. You did it so professionally and beautifully; even though people came at you in different ways, you kept your heart and your motivations sure. That was one. Another time was when you stood up to give a wonderful testimony to your sister at her funeral. Since then, you’ve continued to take every day as it comes and shine. So two incidents—one, a specific incident, and the other, a continuing saga of strength and creativity.
Chiazor Ejekam: What’s a time that you felt worried or afraid for me?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: That’s a really difficult one. I’ve always had my anxieties; every mother has an anxiety. As you step out of a Nigeria like this, you want to be sure your child is coming back. I think it was while you were in England. When I left you in Durham and was coming back, I had my darkest fears about Durham, but you made it.
Chiazor Ejekam: What was your biggest fear about having children?
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: I never had fears about having children, but once they arrive, the challenge shifts. It’s about wanting to give them the best—the kind of life you had. Growing up in Nigeria, my parents could more easily provide for us. My generation faces a different reality, so the focus is on making sure they don’t suffer and have the resources to reach their full potential.
Chiazor Ejekam: Tell me a secret I won’t tell dad
Chief, Mrs. Nnenna Ejekam: You are daddy’s girl; no, no i will not (laughs)

Hug your mum and wish her Happy Mother’s Day
Chief Ogan-Ejekam, thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiring words. This Mother’s Day, we celebrate all mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and mentors who enrich our lives.
This Mother’s Day, Bui Fabrics honors all the mothers who tirelessly dedicate themselves to their families. We celebrate your strength, your love, and the pivotal role you play in shaping the future. #BuiMothersDay #MothersDay
Videography @eddie_maven
Accessories @buiaccessories
Makeup by @eseosebrownie_